HS exam results
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Chetna Bose from Sherwood School, Tura in Meghalaya’s Garo Hills  clinched the first position in this year’s Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) examinations.

The results were declared by the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBoSE) on Monday. Chetna Bose scored a total of 568 marks.

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Sherwood has over the years been hold the top position in the results of SSLC examination, leaving other names like St Anthony’s Higher Secondary School, Shillong and others behind.

Sainava Modak of St. Thomas Higher Secondary School,Shillong secured the second position with a total marks of 565.

Little Flower School,Shillong came third through Ainamdaphisha P Byrsat with a total of 561 marks.

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Out of 50,081 students who appeared the SSLC examinations this year, only half of them passed (25,195) which gave an overall pass percentage of 50.31.