The outpouring revolves around the pandemic, and the manner in which we have taken nature for granted.

Play outside the rules and suffer the consequences.

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Chalk Lines

The Planet is nature’s playground

Her chalk lines, are

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The ice caps, the mountains,

The rivers, the seas, the oceans

The air above the earth below.

In her boundless generosity

She shares with mankind

Her playground.

She made no rules,

No referees, no teams

She simply said “Go Play”.

Oh! The ‘games’ we played

We made our own rules.

Damn! Own rules?

Each team had their own.

We were, or we thought

We were the masters

And outside the chalk lines

We began to play.

It became an endless game

Of death and destruction.

Every rule was broken

The plundered, prizes

We awarded to ourselves.

Became the tear soaked

Trophies of tomorrow

Nature the Master of balance

The Mother of purpose

Has not created anyone unequal

We chose, we created we destroyed

And now, perilously swing

From and unbalanced

And wildly swinging scales

We hang on, barely

As we stare into the abyss

We hear the wails of countless voices

Soak in the tears of a million eyes

And a million more of unseen

And unsaid good byes.

Nature, will never blow that ‘Whistle’

She will simply say

“Play On”

The poet, William Richmond Marbaniang, is a 1975 batch IPS officer, who retired as the Director-General of Meghalaya Police.


William Richmond Marbaniang, is a 1975 batch IPS officer, who retired as the Director-General of Meghalaya Police. He can be reached at: [email protected]