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Passes to animal welfare organisations for feeding stray animals amid the 21-day lockdown have been issued by the Assam government.

Informing about this a government official said, “On requested by several animal welfare organisations of the city, the Assam government decided to issue passes.”

“Even though the passes have been issued to the animal lovers, but they should maintain social distancing and follow other guidelines,” the official added.

The animal lovers have undertaken social media campaigns, in which they have urged people to feed the stray animals with whatever they can.

Over 90 volunteers are feeding stray animals in several parts of Guwahati and nearby areas.

The organisations said that as they did not want to be in any conflict with the administration, so they approached the Kamrup Metro administration and availed the proper papers and passes.

The organisations have even asked for a donation of food from the locals.

She said that the organisation is urging people to give donations in the form of dog food or rice and many people have come out to help openheartedly.