Almost six years after the death of Arunachal Pradesh’s Nido Tania, a CBI court has sentenced four accused to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) and imposed fine of Rs 20,000.
Delivering the verdict, the additional sessions judge of Saket Court on Friday evening said accused Farman will undergo 10 years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) with fine of Rs. 20,000.
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While Pawan, another accused, will undergo 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment with fine of Rs 20,000, Sunder will undergo 7 years’ RI with fine of Rs 20,000 and Sunny Uppal to undergo 3 years’ RI with fine of Rs 20,000.
It was alleged that Nido Tania, son of a MLA of Arunachal Pradesh, was assaulted by a group of persons on January 29, 2014 at Lajpat Nagar in New Delhi over a minor issue.
He later succumbed to his injuries on January 30, 2014.
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The CBI had registered the case in February 28, 2014 following instructions from the Home Ministry.
The case was earlier registered by the Delhi Police.
The investigation revealed that Nido Tania had visited Lajpat Nagar along with his three friends and had inquired about the directions to the house of a common friend from few persons in Lajpat Nagar.
They had reached a paneer shop where he inquired about the location of his friend’s house but was humiliated and laughed at by the accused persons.
Later Tania and his friends were beaten by local residents.
The incident had raised a massive hue and cry in Northeast prompting the government to bring sensitization policies for the Delhi Police on Northeast.