Dal is a staple food of Indian cuisine apart from rice and chapattis

Dal is a staple food of Indian cuisine apart from rice and chapattis

Moreover, it is impossible for many people to stay away from consuming dal as it is a storehouse of essential nutrients vital for the functioning of the body

Moreover, it is impossible for many people to stay away from consuming dal as it is a storehouse of essential nutrients vital for the functioning of the body

Sometimes, a simple fare of rice with dal or chapatti with dal is enjoyed as a wholesome food without anything else

Sometimes, a simple fare of rice with dal or chapatti with dal is enjoyed as a wholesome food without anything else

Meawnhile, most people squeeze some lemon juice over dal and mix it thoroughly before starting to eat their meals

Meawnhile, most people squeeze some lemon juice over dal and mix it thoroughly before starting to eat their meals

It is not only done to enhance the flavour of our desi meal but there is a powerful nutritional reason behind it too

It is not only done to enhance the flavour of our desi meal but there is a powerful nutritional reason behind it too

When you add lemon juice to your daal, you’re boosting your body’s ability to absorb iron from the food

When you add lemon juice to your daal, you’re boosting your body’s ability to absorb iron from the food

Iron from plant-based sources, like  your daal, is known as non-heme iron, which isn’t absorbed as easily as iron from animal sources. But here’s where lemon comes to the rescue!

Iron from plant-based sources, like  your daal, is known as non-heme iron, which isn’t absorbed as easily as iron from animal sources. But here’s where lemon comes to the rescue!

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in enhancing the absorption of non-heme iron

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in enhancing the absorption of non-heme iron

By adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, you’re making sure that your body gets the maximum benefit from the iron in your daal, helping to prevent deficiencies and keep your energy levels high

By adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, you’re making sure that your body gets the maximum benefit from the iron in your daal, helping to prevent deficiencies and keep your energy levels high

Northeast Now


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