It is believed that the number 13 is supposed to bring bad luck
It is believed that the number 13 is supposed to bring bad luck
Here are a few reasons behind this
Here are a few reasons behind this
Bibliographic references are there to prove 13 as a unlucky number
Bibliographic references are there to prove 13 as a unlucky number
The execution of the Knights Templar began on 13th
The execution of the Knights Templar began on 13th
It was believed that a coven consisted of exactly 13 members
It was believed that a coven consisted of exactly 13 members
Having 13 letters in your name, you’re believed to be cursed
Having 13 letters in your name, you’re believed to be cursed
Numerology says, number 12 is the depiction perfectionism. Thus, trying to add upon perfection does not reflect genuineness
Numerology says, number 12 is the depiction perfectionism. Thus, trying to add upon perfection does not reflect g
Superstition says 13th is unlucky date for businesses.
Superstition says 13th is unlucky date for businesses.
believers say that Sports Jersey with number 13 is bad luck
believers say that Sports Jersey with number 13 is bad luck
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