Navratri is a celebration of nine days during which Goddess Durga is worshiped and most people observe fasts

Navratri is a celebration of nine days during which Goddess Durga is worshiped and most people observe fasts

It is going to be that time of the year again when idols of goddess Durga are decorated with kumkum, bangles, flowers, and jeweled attires

A thick and healthy kheer recipe filled with nuts tops the list of navratri fast meals.

A thick and healthy kheer recipe filled with nuts tops the list of navratri fast meals.

Move over the boring aloo ka falahar and instead eat some healthy aloo kadhi and make your Navratri even more special

Move over the boring aloo ka falahar and instead eat some healthy aloo kadhi and make your Navratri even more special

This Navratri, rustle up something different like Kuttu ka dosa.

Sabudana ki khichdi is full of starch or carbohydrates which gives you the much needed energy boost while fasting

A fresh recipe that gives you a break from the usual fried pakoras and puris. Steamed dhoklas made with samwat ke chawal

A fresh recipe that gives you a break from the usual fried pakoras and puris. Steamed dhoklas made with samwat ke chawal

It tastes best when served with tamarind or coconut chutney

It tastes best when served with tamarind or coconut chutney

This is a great mix of sweet and sour and perfect for those fasting during the Navratri

This is a great mix of sweet and sour and perfect for those fasting during the Navratri

A delightful paneer recipe that you can cook and have even during the fasting season of Navratri.

A delightful paneer recipe that you can cook and have even during the fasting season of Navratri.

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