Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma congratulated Lovlina Borgohain for her brilliant win in the women's 75 kg boxing  semifinals of Asian Games 2023

This achievement didn’t only take Lovlina into the final of the women’s 75kg boxing event at the Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou but also helped her secure a Paris 2024 Olympic quota

Lovlina, an Olympic medallist and world champion, defeated Thailand’s Baison Maneekon by unanimous decision in her semi-final bout to confirm her spot in the gold medal match on October 4, 2023

She used her height advantage to steer away from her opponent’s attack, while also landing some effective hooks on the counter

The Indian boxer maintained defensive discipline throughout the bout, eventually securing a place in the gold medal match

Sarma, in a post on X, described Lovlina’s boxing performance as an incredible one

“Power Punch! What an incredible performance by our very own Lovlina Borgohain as she beats Thai pugilist Baison Maneekon 5:0 to advance into the final of 75 kg Women's Boxing at #AsianGames2022 thereby sealing her berth to the Paris Olympics,” wrote Sarma

“ We are really proud. Keep it up!” he added

Sarma also wished Lovlina on the occasion of her birthday which falls on October 2 that is also the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

“Warm wishes to Assam's daughter and our pride Lovlina Borgohain on her birthday! Assam's first Olympic medalist, Lovlina is on the brink of an Asiad 2022 glory as well. Praying to Maa Kamakhya for her good health and continued success at the boxing ring!,” he wrote in a post on X

Northeast Now

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