Potato is one of the much loved vegetables globally and any dishes made using this root vegetable effortlessly tastes yummy

Potato is one of the much loved vegetables globally and any dishes made using this root vegetable effortlessly tastes yummy

However, potato is not only good to eat but also makes for a great skincare product as it reduces dark spots and nourishes your skin for a natural glow

However, potato is not only good to eat but also makes for a great skincare product as it reduces dark spots and nourishes your skin for a natural glow

If you want a glowing complexion, don’t forget to include these skincare products infused with the goodness of potato in your beauty routine-

If you want a glowing complexion, don’t forget to include these skincare products infused with the goodness of potato in your beauty routine-

1. Glamveda Potato Face Wash This face wash infused with the goodness of potatoes face wash hydrates skin deeply leading to its rejuvenation and is an excellent product for use in summers for deep cleansing

1. Glamveda Potato Face Wash This face wash infused with the goodness of potatoes face wash hydrates skin deeply leading to its rejuvenation and is an excellent product for use in summers for deep cleansing

2. Floraison Ayurvedic Potato Face Wash This Ayurvedic product, which removes dark circles, eliminates acne, reduces pigmentation, is good for using for a natural and gentle cleansing routine

2. Floraison Ayurvedic Potato Face Wash This Ayurvedic product, which removes dark circles, eliminates acne, reduces pigmentation, is good for using for a natural and gentle cleansing routine

3. Jophiel Potato & Tamarind Face Wash A unique formulation made with wonderful ingredients, Jophiel Face Wash helps reduce pigmentation, darks spots, remove tan, fade appearance of dark circles and add a natural glow

3. Jophiel Potato & Tamarind Face Wash A unique formulation made with wonderful ingredients, Jophiel Face Wash helps reduce pigmentation, darks spots, remove tan, fade appearance of dark circles and add a natural glow

4. The Natural Wash Potato Rice Soap A special blend of two of the well-known staples of India, Potato and Rice, TNW’s soap has immense skin-benefiting properties that can give a whole new experience of bathing ritual

4. The Natural Wash Potato Rice Soap A special blend of two of the well-known staples of India, Potato and Rice, TNW’s soap has immense skin-benefiting properties that can give a whole new experience of bathing ritual

5. Asuda Herbals Potato Soap This handmade soap which is best for normal or oily skin gives brighter skin tone, reduces acne and eliminates dark spots

5. Asuda Herbals Potato Soap This handmade soap which is best for normal or oily skin gives brighter skin tone, reduces acne and eliminates dark spots

6. Asuda Herbals Potato Gel A gel which can be used as a moisturizer as well as a face mask, it helps in removing acne, blemishes and brightens skin

6. Asuda Herbals Potato Gel A gel which can be used as a moisturizer as well as a face mask, it helps in removing acne, blemishes and brightens skin

7. The Natural Wash Potato & Papaya Under Eye Cream This cream cools, soothes and nourishes the most delicate part of the skin that it is prone to show signs of ageing, damages and daily fatigue earlier than other part of body

7. The Natural Wash Potato & Papaya Under Eye Cream This cream cools, soothes and nourishes the most delicate part of the skin that it is prone to show signs of ageing, damages and daily fatigue earlier than other part of body

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