Skincare is an essential part of our lifestyle and we need to do it regularly not only for looking good but also to keep ourselves healthy

Skincare is an essential part of our lifestyle and we need to do it regularly not only for looking good but also to keep ourselves healthy

Here are 5 best methods of face washing as suggested by dermatologist Dr. Aanchal Panth-

Here are 5 best methods of face washing as suggested by dermatologist Dr. Aanchal Panth-

Multiple washing Washing twice a day is enough even if you have oily skin. You can skip a cleanser in the morning if you have dry skin.

Multiple washing Washing twice a day is enough even if you have oily skin. You can skip a cleanser in the morning if you have dry skin.

Double cleansing This works well for those who wear long wear make up and sunscreen throughout the day. You can use micellar water in the first step and a gentle cleanser in second step

Double cleansing This works well for those who wear long wear make up and sunscreen throughout the day. You can use micellar water in the first step and a gentle cleanser in second step

Pore strips Avoid this completely of you don’t want dark spots in your nose. The adhesive in pore strips are very irritating to the skin and should not be used

Pore strips Avoid this completely of you don’t want dark spots in your nose. The adhesive in pore strips are very irritating to the skin and should not be used

Face wax There are better hair removal methods for the face. Waxing the face is the worst as application of hot wax followed by tugging can cause ingrown hair and folliculitis. If you have thin fine hair, shaving is an option. For dark thick hair, laser hair reduction is the best option

Face wax There are better hair removal methods for the face. Waxing the face is the worst as application of hot wax followed by tugging can cause ingrown hair and folliculitis. If you have thin fine hair, shaving is an option. For dark thick hair, laser hair reduction is the best option

Steam This may be helpful in extracting comedones but should be avoided with you have sensitive skin, melasma or rosacea. All these skin conditions can get worse with steam.

Steam This may be helpful in extracting comedones but should be avoided with you have sensitive skin, melasma or rosacea. All these skin conditions can get worse with steam.

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