Tripura is all set to celebrate the three-day Biju festival at Unakoti district. The age old festival which represents the cultural diversity of the chakma community will be showcased at the festival .

Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb will inaugurate the festival which will be held at the Nabinchara high school under Pecharthal block. The celebrations will start from April 13 and will end on April 15.

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On the first day, which is known as Ful Biju people will pay floral tribute to the river, on the second day which is known as Mul Biju traditional songs and dances  will be performed and the last day known  as Gotche Potche Biju elders of the community  will be invited for a feast and get married again to their spouses.

People from Assam, Sikkim, Manipur, Nagaland and Bangladesh will also attend the festival.

Nadeng hara, Ghile hara, Godu hara and others sports activities will also be held during the celebrations.

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Traditional instruments  like Duduk, Singhe Hengrong will also be played, traditional  house like  Sorgoghor, Podolghor, Bhava chakra made of bamboo will also be displayed at the fair.

Convener for Biju community Pradyot Chakma,  informed that the main aim of celebrating the festival is to create awareness  about the culture and tradition  of chakma community among the young generation.