Tripura has registered a total of 20 new COVID19 positive cases in the last three days.
While 10 people were infected on Friday, five people tested positive for COVID19 on Saturday and five others tested positive on Sunday.
The Health Bulletin, issued by the state health department, has reported that currently, there are 30 active COVID19 cases in Tripura.
In the last one week, more than 30 people have been infected by COVID19.
However, the new cases have not been admitted to the hospital and all are being treated in their respective houses in Tripura.
From December-February, the COVID19 positive cases came down significantly in the state.
All the Covid Care Centres have been closed by the government.
Only the Covid centre in GBP Hospital in Agartala continues to offer services.
But along with other parts of the country, COVID19 positive cases have continued to increase in the state in the last one week.
Till now, 388 people died due to COVID19 infection in Tripura.
Health experts are of the view that crowds need to be reduced in various places to stop the growing cases of COVID19 infection across the country, COVDI19 vaccination programmes need to be completed quickly and all citizens have to abide by the Covid rules.
The state is gearing up for the ensuing Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) election but the people are not seen wearing masks during the election campaign.