The Hindi feature film by Northeast filmmaker Nicholas Kharkongor, Axone, is coming on Netflix from June 12.

The movie follows migrants in Delhi, in their attempt to organize a wedding party, they find out everything is not going according to plan.

The movie stars Dolly Ahluwalia, Aakash Bhardwaj, Jimpa Bhutia among others.

It was probably the first time a mainstream commercial Hindi film was being made on the culture of north-eastern region with a cast that majorly comprised north-eastern actors.

The movie, Axone, revolves around Minam (Asenla Jamir) who is getting married on the same day as her IAS interview.

With the added pressure, she wants her wedding to be a smooth affair and to fulfill her wishes, Minam’s friends Chanbi (Lin Laishram), and Upasana (Sayani Gupta) with the help of their boyfriends Bendang (Lanuakum) and Zorem (Tenzin Dalha) set out to throw her a surprise wedding party.

While this may seem like a simple affair, the difficult part is cooking Minam’s favorite dish – pork in akhuni (axone), which leaves a very pungent odour that may not be favourable in their New Delhi neighborhood.

But Upasana and Chanbi are determined to cook it no matter what.

Using the premise of a delicacy quite popular in Nagaland, director Nicholas Kharkongor talks about the daily struggles and stereotypes a north-eastern is subjected to.

Axone takes us through the lives of these people, who are living among their own countrymen yet being treated as outsiders.