The NSCN(IM) on Wednesday slammed media reports that the draft Naga Accord has been finalised leaving it aside and without Naga flag and constitution.

The outfit clarified that the talk on Naga flag and constitution is going on with the government of India “with all seriousness”.

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NSCN(IM) said it had made its stand very loud and clear that there is no way forward on Indo-Naga talk without finalising on Naga flag and constitution.

“It has become a matter of ridiculous subject doing the rounds in the media circle that while the informal talk with the Government of India is going on to thrash out the core issues of Naga flag and Yehzabo (constitution), mischief mongers from certain media groups are indulging in wild projection that the Naga accord is finalised, leaving aside NSCN, pointing to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and security sources,” the ministry of information and publicity of NSCN(IM) said in a release.

The release said it is understood that certain officials from the MHA and security officials are working in tandem with some media groups with the twin purpose of putting pressure on NSCN and confuse the Naga people on Naga solution without Naga flag and constitution.

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Alleging that anti-NSCN propagandists are restless, the NSCN(IM) said certain media people are simply doing the bidding of officials from the MHA and defence ministry with the intension to divide and confuse the Naga people and detach them from the issue of Naga flag and constitution.

On the contrary, groundswell is building up fast among the Naga people that there is no meaning of bringing Naga solution without flag and constitution.

“What is there for the Naga people to gain out of Naga deal if we are to lose our political identity that is identified by flag and constitution,” it asked.

The outfit stated that this is the question that is now playing into the conscience of the Naga people at large.

The release also named a journalist and said he has been repeatedly writing on the same line that the Naga deal is going to be signed anytime soon even without the NSCN.

Such highly motivated reports with sources from the Home Ministry and security are creating unnecessary sensation as desired by those vested groups, it added.

Nagaland govt convenes consultative meeting

The Nagaland government has called a consultative meeting of all stakeholders to discuss the Naga political issue and the ongoing peace talks between the Naga National Political Organisations and the government of India.

The meeting will be held in the State Banquet Hall at the Chief Minister’s Residential Complex in Kohima at 10 am on October 15.

The state government has invited all tribal hohos, mass-based organisations, civil societies, church organisations, political parties, NGOs and prominent persons to discuss the most important issue that “our society is presently faced with”.

The government said it is of the view that the ceasefire and negotiations between the Naga political organisations and the government of India have been going on for more than two decades and the Naga people have been crying out for peace and political solution.

It felt that the political issue needs to be addressed with utmost urgency by all sections of the people in order to facilitate the early achievement of peace with all seriousness.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]