Representative image. Courtesy: E-Pao!

The working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) has taken strong exception of the report published by ‘The Week’, a Kerala-based news magazine, in its July 6, 2018 issue which is again reproduced in sections of local media on Saturday.

Also read: Centre’s ‘no’ to unification of Naga dominated areas of Northeast

The media cell of NNPGs later on Saturday clarified that Alezo Venuh, envoy to collective leadership, GPRN/NSCN, and co-ordinator in the ongoing political dialogue between NNPGs and the Central Government, had, at no point in time, gave any interview to print or electronic media on the status of Naga political negotiations.

The working committee also demanded ‘withdrawal’ of the ‘baseless and imaginary’ statements made in the report.

The committee also threatened to take legal action unless, the publication tenders ‘unconditional apology’.

The working committee of NNPGs also clarified that the political group still comprised of six Naga National Political Groups and has not decreased in number as reported in ‘The Week’.

The working committee further reiterated that integration of Naga areas in the country and also in Myanmar was a ‘legitimate aspiration’ of the Naga people.

However, it added that ‘contemporary political reality cannot be ignored.

It said that the issue would, therefore, be pursued democratically through people to people dialogue.