Principal secretary, school education department, Menukhol John laucnhes the online student evaluation portal on Tuesday.

Nagaland’s school education department on Tuesday launched its online student evaluation portal

Principal secretary, school education department, Menukhol John launched the portal in his office chamber in Kohima.

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John congratulated the department’s officers for taking the initiative to develop the portal.

He requested the parents and teachers to encourage students to make best use of the provision during the period of school closure.

The online evaluation process for students of classes VIII to X and XII will commence from Wednesday.

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The department said as the conventional tools of evaluation could not be used during this period of crisis, it has developed the online portal.

It said evaluation is an integral part of education and very essential for guiding the students towards development.

The portal is developed in such a way that it could be easily accessed through any mobile/laptop/PC and would work efficiently even in 2G internet connections.

On the specified date and time of evaluation, the students will have to login into the portal and give response to 20 objective type multiple choice questions by clicking against the correct options within the given time limit.

The page will be made active only during the specified time and will become inactive after the scheduled time.

This online evaluation portal can be used by any student studying in Nagaland voluntarily and marks secured in this online evaluation will not be used for any formal purpose of school evaluation.

The result analysis of the online tests will be made available to all stakeholders so that they could employ appropriate remedial measures.

The best performing students and schools will be rewarded. The main objective of conducting the online test is to encourage students to keep them engaged with the processes of continuous learning.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]