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Commuters in Dimapur of Nagaland will soon have the comfort of riding in E-rickshaws.

For the first time in Nagaland, E-rickshaws will very soon hit the streets of the State’s commercial hub as the city’s latest mode of public transport.

A couple of E-rickshaws have already taken to the streets for promotion purpose and create awareness about the eco-friendly mode of economy travel.

The green-coloured E-rickshaws will be formally launched on October 5 by an NGO called Youth Lim Empowerment and M/s Shuvo.

Meanwhile, the Regional Transport Authority has approved plying of E-rickshaws on two routes currently – City Tower to DC court junction and Seventh Mile junction to ARTC Shokhuvi – on trial basis before other navigable routes are identified.

The fare per passenger will be Rs 10 per one way trip.

With prices of fuel at an all-time high and air pollution a major concern in a city like Dimapur, E-rickshaws are seen as a viable alternative.

It will also provide employment to youth who do not have enough capital to start their own business.

Secondly, E-rickshaws are also expected to provide relief to both commutes and drivers. Even as maintenance is comparatively easier than a conventional auto rickshaw, it can also ply for 80 km after four hours of charging.

So, while the drivers need not worry about refueling throughout the day, the passengers too would also have to pay Rs 10 as basic fare instead of Rs 40 of auto rickshaws.

Moreover, considering the narrow streets of Dimapur, E-rickshaw will be able to navigate easily during traffic jams due to its size.

The electric-powered vehicles will also mean no adding of pollution to the environment.

Meanwhile, besides the two routes already identified, other routes on which these rickshaws are expected to ply are railway gate, Hotel Tragopan and Golaghat Road. Charging points will also be soon provided for these E-rickshaws in due course of time.