Representative image.

Naga Students Federation (NSF) on Thursday appealed to the proprietors of schools and colleges of Nagaland to voluntarily come forward and frame modalities/policies for a fee waiver for the benefit of the deserving students.

The students’ body also called for waiving off the rents of tenants, particularly students, during the lockdown period by the house owners.

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The federation appealed to the Naga people to extend all possible help to everyone in need as per their capacities.

It made the appeal in view of the Naga society facing an economic crisis of unprecedented scale because of the lockdown.

The NSF appreciated the gesture of those who have voluntarily come forward to waive off the rents of their tenants for the entire period of the lockdown.

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“Such exemplary acts need to be emulated and taken forth by those in a position to do the same all over our Naga homeland,” it said.

The students’ federation said the appeal should not be misconstrued as its enforcement depends on the discretion of the people concerned.

Meanwhile, considering the economic impact on each citizen and family after the lockdown, the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) said the Nagaland government should provide free education as every family cannot afford online education.

The state government may think of the state’s own satellite channel or online learning facilities for meeting this emerging necessity, the NPCC said.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]