Representational image.

A Special train carrying 938 stranded people from Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala reached Dimapur on Saturday.

They were received at Dimapur railway Station by agriculture production commissioner Y. Kikheto Sema, who is also in-charge of Covid-19 activities for Dimapur and other officials.

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The returnees comprised 108 from Peren, 30 from Phek, 46 from Kohima, 47 from Wokha, 25 from Zunheboto, 20 from Longleng, 385 from Mon, 35 from Kiphire, 17 from Mokokchung, 42 from Tuensang and 183 from Dimapur.

All the returnees from other districts, except Dimapur district, were transported to their respective districts by bus after undergoing thermal screening at Dimapur railway station.

They were provided food packets, water and snacks before leaving.

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The returnees of Dimapur district were taken directly to Agri Expo site at 4th Mile here where necessary medical screening was done.

They were then taken to the designated quarantine centres.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]