The Mizoram government on Thursday issued additional standard operating procedure (SOP) to be followed in any gathering to ensure that social distancing is strictly maintained.

The order follows the decision taken at the meeting of top officials, NGOs, churches and doctors chaired by chief minister Zoramthanga on Wednesday.

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The order said not more than 50 attendees are allowed in gatherings like marriage ceremony, funeral, memorial stone erection programme, anniversary celebration and any other related functions.

Also read: Mizoram to ramp up COVID-19 testing ratio, 10,000 RAT kits to be purchased

Funeral of a deceased person should be attended by his or her relatives as minimal as possible and only two representatives of an association or union are allowed to attend such funerals, the order said.

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It said any funeral should be held at either church hall or Young Mizo Association hall or any other community hall in a locality to which the deceased person belongs and such arrangements will be made by the local church where the deceased belong to and YMA of that locality in order to maintain social distancing.

Old persons and people with co-morbidities are prohibited from attending funerals, the order said.

The order prohibited congregational singing called “Zaikhawm”, a traditional practice to mourn a dead person or celebrate an event in any gathering especially funeral and marriage ceremony.

The attendees should wear face masks and each village or local level task force and YMA will maintain particulars of the attendees- their names, addresses and mobile numbers, it said.

Mizoram reported one more COVID-19 case in the last 24 hours, taking the state’s tally to 649, an official said.

The new case was reported from Champhai district and the patient has returned from Assam, he said.

According to the latest Covid-19 table released by state information and public relation department, there are 319 active cases in the state while 330 people have already recovered.

Two patients have migrated to Assam.