Mizoram Governor Kummanam Rajasekharan on Wednesday graced the celebration of Pawl Kut Festival which was organized by Social Welfare Department at Lammual in capital city of Aizawl.
The festival which was also graced by Social Welfare Department Minister Dr K Beichua has been funded by Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
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This was stated in an official press release issued to the media on Wednesday.
Speaking at the inauguration of the festival, Governor Kummanam Rajasekharan congratulated the Social Welfare Department and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for their concrete efforts in organizing the festival, which he said is a unique initiative and an innovative concept undertaken by the State in promoting its rich culture and traditions.
Remarking about the need to preserve and promote one’s cultural and value system, he said people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like tress without roots.
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He remarked further, that despite advancements and growth in all aspects of human life, we cannot replace our genetic and cultural traits, for these are what make us special and stand out.
But at the same time, sowing seeds of a peaceful symbiotic relationship with other cultures, countries and communities are also an inherent part of our cultural value system that needs to be renewed and rejuvenated, he added.
Addressing the programme, Social Welfare Department Minister Dr K Beichua said since Pawl Kut is also a thanksgiving festival, ‘I thank the people of Mizoram for electing a new government’.
He also said that that the government will give its best for the all-round development of Mizoram and its people in all sectors. He further remarked that the festival, next year will be organized in a bigger scale.