Meghalaya chief minister, Conrad K Sangma on Thursday chaired a meeting on ‘MOTHER’ a programme that focuses on mother and child and measures the outcome in health, nutrition, education and livelihood.

The programme ‘MOTHER’ is known as Meghalaya’s Outcome Oriented Transformation in Health, Nutrition, Education and Rural Development.

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The review meeting was held at the circuit house in Nongpoh on Thursday night which was attended commissioner and secretary C&RD, P Sampat Kumar, deputy commissioner, Ri Bhoi, R M Kurbah and officials from various departments of the district.

The meeting discussed at length various aspects of the programme.

In his opening remarks, the chief minister said that the programme focuses on mother and child, and measures the outcome in health, nutrition, education, livelihood and productivity of mothers by mobilizing the entire community and by using data.

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“The objective will be achieved by integrating various departments of health, education, social welfare and rural development,” the chief minister said.