India’s First Lady Savita Kovind on Wednesday stitched face mask which has now been a mandatory item by the Central Government in all public places and work places as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus pandemic.
As per reports, the masks were stitched by President Ram Nath Kovind’s wife at Shakti Haat in the President’s Estate in New Delhi.
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These masks will be distributed at various shelter homes of Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board.
While stitching the masks, the First Lady was seen covering her face with a red colour cloth mask.
The Ministry of Home Affairs had recently made wearing of face cover compulsory in all public places and work places as a rule under National Directives for COVID-19 management.
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The Home Ministry had also asked to impose fines and penal action under Disaster Management Act, 2005 to ensure that the rules under the National Directives are followed strictly.
Moreover, wearing of masks or face covers, maintaining social distancing and preventing mass gatherings had earlier been recommended by various health workers as the basic and essential steps to curb the spread of coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus cases in India crossed the 20,000 mark on Wednesday with 20,201 cases, including 652 deaths.
The number of active cases is 15859 and 3959 people have been cured or discharged so far.