Indian Railways has distributed over 85 lakh free meals and about 1.25 crore free water bottles to migrant workers travelling in Shramik Special Trains since May 1.
This includes meals being prepared by Indian Railways’ PSU IRCTC and distributed by Zonal Railways.
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Food and water bottles are being provided to travelling migrants in all Shramik Special Trains.
IRCTC is providing puri vegetable pickle, roti vegetable pickle, banana, biscuits, lemon rice pickle, etc. kind of meals to travelling migrants along with Rail Neer water bottles.
The Indian Railways until Thursday has operated around 3736 Shramik Special trains from various states across the country while about 67 are in the pipeline.
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In addition to Shramik specials, Railways are running 15 pairs of special trains connecting New Delhi and plans to start 200 more timetabled trains from June 1.