Google on Wednesday announced that its users in India will not be charged any fee for money transfers on the Google Pay platform and the charges levied are for users in the US.

Google had recently announced that it will launch a redesigned Google Pay app next year on Android and iOS.

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While Android is a mobile operating system designed by Google, iOS has been designed by Apple.

The redesigned app will be first launched in the US and users will not be able to access its service on a web browser any longer.

Also read: SBI Card users now can make payments via Google Pay

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Users will also be charged with a fee on instant money transfers on the newly designed payment platform.

“These charges and fees are specific to the US and do not apply to the Google Pay or Google Pay for Business apps in India,” a report quoted a Google spokesperson.

As of September 2019, Google Pay had 67 million users in the country, with a total annual payment value of USD 110 billion.

Google Pay for Business, a digital money transfer platform for all small and big businesses, had announced that it had over 3 million merchants in India as of June this year.

It supports UPI and tokenized debit and credit cards as forms of payment in the country.

The other money transfer platform in the country are  Paytm, Walmart-owned PhonePe and Amazon Pay.