The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday arrested a senior branch manager of New India Assurance Company in Sivasagar for allegedly accepting bribe of 10 per cent of the claim amount.

CBI officials said that the Branch Manager was arrested for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a complainant.

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The official said CBI laid a trap at the office of the insurance company at KP Chariali here and the Branch Manager of Sivasagar branch of the Company was caught red handed while accepting the bribe.

Sources said CBI registered a case against the official in its Guwahati office following a complainant filed by a customer, Parikshit Baruah. The arrested branch manager has been identified as Debabrata Rakshit.

“The arrested branch manager reportedly taking bribes from people applying for insurance claims of their vehicles,” sources said.

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Arrested official Rakshit had allegedly sought 10 per cent of the Rs 1 lakh from Baruah to get as insurance claim after his commercially registered vehicle which met with an accident.

Following the complaint, the CBI laid a trap and caught the insurance company official red-handed while taking Rs 10,000 as bribe from the complainant.

The arrested accused will be produced before Special Court of CBI in Guwahati on Sunday.


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