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A total of 1,300 persons have been put into home quarantine in lower Assam’s Barpeta district so far to prevent spread of novel coronavirus.

The persons under isolation had visited Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh and some other parts of India and have returned to the district recently.

Samples of four have been collected so far and the results of two have been found negative while the results of the other two are being awaited.

Assam Industry and Commerce Chandramohan Patowary on Friday visited the district to assess the ongoing situation.

He held a meeting with the officials of the district administration in presence of all the heads of the departments concerned.

Patowary assured that there will be no dearth of essential commodities in the district as the government has adopted all possible measures in this regard.

At the same time, he advised reopening of rice and oil mills in the district with adequate safety measures so that the supply may be eased locally.

He also made an instant arrangement of infrared temperature scanners, masks, cough syrups, disinfectants like bleaching powder and food items like dal.

Later, the minister visited Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed Medical College and took stock of the arrangements there to meet any eventuality.