Narendra Modi (File Image)
Narendra Modi (File Image)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has termed the Bodo Agreement as a historic chapter for peace and development in Assam.

Hailing the agreement Modi said it is inspired by the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas & Sabka Vishwas’ and spirit of ‘Ek Bharat-Shresth Bharat’.

In a series of tweets on Thursday, Modi said, “As India remembers Pujya Bapu on his Punya Tithi, Assam is witnessing a historic chapter for peace and development.”

“After a wait of 50 years, agreement with our Bodo friends heralds a new beginning. It will strengthen Assam’s unity, bring development and usher in a bright future,” he wrote.

“After signing this historic agreement with Bodo organizations, foremost priority of our govt is the development of Bodo areas,” he further tweeted.

“Work has begun on a comprehensive Rs 1500 crore package. Our special focus will be on ease of living and ensuring that Bodos benefit fully from govt schemes,” the tweet added.


“Bodo friends joining us on the path of peace sends a clear message that solution to issues is possible when we leave the path of violence & repose faith in democracy & Constitution,” said another tweet.

“I welcome my Bodo friends to the mainstream. We are committed to ensuring the development of Bodo areas,” the tweet added.

Tweeting further the Prime Minister said, “I welcome the decision of my Bodo friends for leaving violence and reposing faith in democracy and the Constitution.”

“The accord with our Bodo friends is a message to Assam and other violence-affected parts of the country that the nation’s development can be given momentum only in an environment free of violence and fear,” Modi further said.

“Happy that entire energy of our Bodo friends will further strengthen Assam’s development,” Modi reiterated.

“The accord with our Bodo friends was made while protecting the interest of other communities of Assam. This is a victory for all, it’s a victory for humanity,” Modi reiterated.