In a tragic incident, Parag Bhuyan, a journalist died while being hit by an unknown vehicle on Wednesday night at Kakopathar in Upper Assam’s Tinsukia district.

The victim was a senior reporter of the Pratidin Time group and local reporter for the Axomiya Khabar, an Assamese daily.

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He was also the vice president of the Tinsukia press club. He was also the younger brother of former Assam minister, Jagadish Bhuyan.

However, his family as well as the Pratidin Time Group suspect the incident to be a planned attacked by miscreants as he had brought to light several instances of corruption involving different politicians.

According to sources, the 53-year-old journalist was hit by the car in front of his home in Kakopathar.

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It was being driven by some unknown people.

He was later shifted to the hospital in a critical condition.

Assam chief minister, Sarbananda Sonowal and press adviser to the CM, Rishikesh Goswami have expressed their grief over the sad demise of the journalist.

Sonowal also instructed the Tinsukia superintendent of police to investigate into the matter and nab the culprits.

Meanwhile, the Tinsukia police seized the vehicle that was involved in the incident along with the driver, James Mura from the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border.

The Tinsukia press club, Dibrugarh press club and Greater Dibrugarh press club have condoled the sudden demise of the journalist and requested the police to take necessary action.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]