Oil India Limited, on Tuesday, launched an ambitious drone surveillance project at its field headquarters under DRIVE (Digital Readiness for Innovation and Value in E&P) initiative at OCS 4, Naoholia in Assam’s Dibrugarh district.  

The project envisages to provide real-time surveillance and pro-active security responses to the OIL security department. 

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It is the first initiative launched under project DRIVE. 

The project was ceremoniously inaugurated by Prasanta Borkakoty, RCE OIL in presence of SS Sharma, DIG CISF,  Gayanendra Kumar, Sr Commmandant of CISF and other officials of OIL.   

OIL has incorporated the drone surveillance services for its installations and oil and gas pipelines in Assam to curb pilferage of crude oil, condensate, theft of pipes, tampering of well heads and tapping of crude oil delivery pipelines.  

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The drone surveillance project also aims at curbing miscreant activities in various OIL locations by – enabling real-time/near real-time detection of intruders, faster detection of fire incidents, crude oil leaks and spills and hence enabling OIL for taking up a pro-active role.   

“OIL is a progressive and responsible organization that is adopting new evolving technologies that can be used for better safety and security of our operational areas. The drone surveillance project is a step towards this direction that will assist OIL to lower miscreant activities, faster response to security, HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) issues and resulting in enhanced productivity, profit and safer operations,” said Borkakoty. 


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]