Ahead of the BTC council polls, the Kokrajhar Lok Sabha MP, Naba Sarania led Gana Suraksha Party (GSP) and Sanimlita Janagosthiya Oikhya Mancha, a conglomerate of 35 ethnic organizations have been critical of the Bodo accord signed between Bodo stakeholders and Centre and Assam government on January 27 lst.
They termed it arbitrary, unconstitutional and ‘incomplete’.
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Addressing a press conference at a hotel in Tangla town of Udalguri district on Sunday, the advisor of Gana Suraksha Party (GSP) and Sanimlita Janagosthiya Oikhya Mancha, Brajen Mahanta questioned the signatories of the accord by raising doubts on the authenticity of the accord which he alleged was done without taking into confidence the non-Bodo population comprising majority which he alleged have been living as third class citizens in the Bodo belt.
Mahanta said, “The accord has no packages for addressing the hopes and aspirations of the non-Bodo population who have been dominated and their basic rights including land rights were snapped by the present BPF government and instead the ‘power wielding pact’ has granted more administrative and financial autonomy to the leaders of hardcore Bodo nationalism.”
Mahanta also questioned as to why were the villages comprising majority of non-Bodo populace were not excluded and opined that the pact which speaks both inclusion and exclusion of villages will not be of much help for the non-Bodo populace.
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