In a daring case of daylight robbery which took place on Monday at Nagarbera tehsil Malancha in Kamrup district, a group of youths came on bikes and reportedly snatched away more than Rs 10 lakh from two employees working with a reputed businessman of Goalpara district – Dipak Poddar.
The entire incident has sent chill down people’s spines and police teams in different police stations of Goalpara and Kamrup district have been put on “full alert”. Though the cops are hot on the heels of the robbers, nobody has been nabbed till the time of filing of this report.
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A police officer at Nagarbera (read a village in Kamrup district) said, “We will very soon arrest the robbers’ gang.” According to police sources, Jiban Ghosh and Prabin Agarwala – two employees working under flour mill owner Dipak Poddar of Goalpara – had gone to Nagarbera, a border area between Kamrup and Goalpara districts on Monday to collect payment.
Police source further stated that the duo collected a “business payment” of about Rs 10 lakh from one Wazed Ali of Tupamari Village at Nagarbera. While the duo was returning after collecting the said amount, a group of youths on bikes “waylaid” them at Malancha. There were six bikers in the group armed with pistols and daggers who “very easily” snatched away the bag containing the said amount whipping the guns at the duo.
It may be recalled that two members of the dreaded ‘Irani Group’ were arrested by the Goalpara Police in the month of August this year. A lot of petty crimes are taking place in Goalpara district. But, Monday’s incident was something which has not been reported in the district before – the culprits had full information about the movement of the said employees. This daring robbery case has come as a “huge challenge” for both Kamrup and Goalpara districts’ police.
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