Decorating our houses and offices should be done carefully as it affects our energies which can play a great role in the performance of our duties

To attract positive vibes, it is essential to place things that are a symbol of strength, happiness, luck and prosperity

Vastru Shastra, the texts on the traditional Indian system of architecture, gives a good idea on the type of things that can be placed in a home to attract vibes of positivity

Meanwhile, you should also pay attention to the direction in which you have placed the commodities of positivity as then only the house/ office brings in positive energy, welcomes new opportunities by removing blockages and negativity and opens doors for prosperity

Celebrity tarot card reader Dr.Shefali Gupta has suggested keeping these things in your house / office to attract luck and prosperity

Buddha Statue

A statue of Buddha can be kept in the east or north direction of your house / office as it can attract peace and enhances focus and concentration skills of a person


A statue or a photo of a fish can be placed in the north east direction of your house / office to attract opportunities and enhance your creativity and thinking power

  • Owl

Keep a statue of an owl in the south direction of your house / office to attract wisdom and power

  • Laughing Buddha

To attract abundance in great measure, place a statue of Laughing Buddha in an adjacent or opposite direction to the main gate of your house / office

  • Horses

Touted as a symbol of success and victory, you can greatly benefit if you place a photo of a running horse or a picture of seven horses in the east or north direction of your house / office

  • Dolphins

As dolphins are soft hearted and sensitive animals which represent intelligence, guidance, joy and freedom of money, you can place a statue of these creatures in the north corner of the living room of your house

  • Elephants

The best direction to keep a statue of a pair of elephants is near the front door or the main entrance of the house / office. You can also place this symbol of strength and power in the north direction to attract good luck and positive energy

  • Golden leopard or lion

A symbol of bravery and fearlessness, statues of leopards or lions in golden colour are believed to attract wealth in great measures. Place a statue of these powerful animals in the north east direction of your workplace

  • Deer

A beautiful creature which doesn’t only delight people but also represents grace, speed, intuition and instinct is the deer.  A statue of a pair of deer can be put on the ground or the table in the northwest or west zone of your house / office. For best results, the deer should also be placed in such a way that its head faces the north. Deer statues can bring in spirit of high enthusiasm and put an end to unnecessary pressure, economic decline or lack of energy

  • Camel 

A pair of camel should be placed in the northwest direction of your house / office to bring in vibes of high positivity and absolute peace. A camel, which is an inhabitant of the desert, symbolises stability, power to never give up and self-sufficiency so these animals can also be of great usefulness for attracting good energy in your habitations