Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries is on his maiden visit to the state for the Advantage Assam global investors summit. He greeted the massive crowd present at the venue in Assamese with “Axomor gorbito raaiz, apunaluke mur xuvessa grahan koribo.”

Here are the five commitments he made for the development of the state in his address:

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# Ambani has committed to the establishment of a world class football academy in Assam, in collaboration with Assam Government.

# Creation of new livelihood top priority. Around  20,000 employment opportunities have already been created, which is targeted to increase to over 1 lakh.

# Jio will open new offices in all tehsils to help farmers, artisans and small businessmen of Assam.

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# Reliance Industries in collaboration with Assam Government will set up a world class centre in Assam to promote wildlife and tourism

# Reliance will invest around Rs 2.5 crore to increase retail outlets in Assam from 2 to 40. Reliance will also increase the number of petrol pumps in Assam from 27 to 165.


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