Assam Career NID Recruitment

Applications are invited for recruitment of various administrative positions or career in NID Assam.

National Institute of Design (NID) Assam is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the post or career of Controller of Finance & Accounts on Deputation basis (Both with and without Absorption) / Direct recruitment.

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Name of post : Controller of Finance & Accounts

No. of posts : 1

Eligibility Criteria :

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A) For Direct Recruitment

Essential Qualifications: Master’s degree in Commerce/Financial Management from recognized University / Institution or C.A. / ICWAI / CS or equivalent

Minimum Experience: Ten years of experience in Finance and Account matters in a Government / Educational / Research Institution / Organization of national standing

Age: Not exceeding 50 years, as on the last date of application.

B) For Deputation

Officers of the Central/State Government/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies:

(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis;


3 years regular service in Pay Level-11 as per 7th CPC


5 years regular service in Pay Level-10 as per 7-CPC


7 years of regular service in Pay Level-8 as per 7-CPC


(ii) Possessing the qualifications and minimum years of experience as prescribed above for Direct Recruitment.

Pay Scale : Pay Level 12, Rs. 78,800- 2,09,200/

Age: Not exceeding 56 years, as on the last date of application

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How to apply :

For Direct Recruitment – Only Applications submitted ONLINE through NID Assam, Jorhat portal will be accepted.

For Deputation basis- Candidates applying on Deputation are required to submit the
Annexure-I (placed below) duly filled up and certified by his / her present organization.

The applications should be send along with the printout of the confirmation mail / acknowledgement of the ONLINE application.

The hard copy of Annexure-I should also be accompanied with requisite documents i.e., NOC, Vigilance Clearance, ACRs / APAR for the last five years, etc.

The application is to be sent by post to The Chief Administrative Officer, National Institute of Design Assam, Tocklai, Rajabari, Jorhat – 785014 within the last date.

The applicant should clearly mention the “POST APPLIED FOR” in the envelope.

Last Date for receipt of online application is 15.12.2023 up to 05:00 PM

Last Date for receipt of hard copy i.e. OFFLINE applications is 22.12.2023

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Application Fees :

  • General / OBC candidate(s) Rs. 1000/-
  • SC / ST / EWS candidate(s) Rs. 500/-

PwD (Divyang) candidate(s) are exempted from payment of application fee

The application fee is to be paid online / NEFT only & additional bank charges may apply.

The candidate will be able to make the payment using his / her net banking account, debit card and through the Bank in the following bank account: National Institute of Design, Assam, Account number: 40153013234, Branch: Gar-Ali, Basant Bora Complex, Jorhat, IFSC Code: SBIN0004460.

The UTR no. / journal no. after making the payment must be filled in, without which the form
will not be accepted for further evaluation.

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