Applications are invited for recruitment of various administrative positions or career in MSSV Dhubri Assam in 2025.
Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya (MSSV), Dhubri, Assam is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts or career of Grade-III Employee and also Grade-IV Employee in 2025. The newly set up Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya has formally been founded altogether on 10th June, 2014. Though the University has been set up under the Private University Act, but it is designed as a people’s university, an institution for the entire people of Assam as well as India also. It is located at Nagaon, the place blessed with the dust of the saint’s feet for more than half a century, since he lived half of his life at Bardowa, Nagaon. The Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya fraternity firmly believes that a new era of social regeneration altogether will start from this University.
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Name of post : Grade-III Employee
No. of posts : 1
Qualification & Experience :
a) Candidate must have Bachelor Degree from any recognised University.
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b) Candidate must also have working knowledge of an educational institution as Grade III Employee.
c) Candidate must also have One year Diploma in Computer Application.
Name of post : Grade-IV Employee
No. of posts : 1
Qualification & Experience :
a) Candidate must have passed HSLC or an equivalent examination from any recognised.
b) Candidate must have working knowledge of an educational institution as Grade IV Employee.
Salary: As per Pay Matrix, MSSV.
Selection Procedure : Date of Interview is 7th April, 2025 on 1.30 P.M. onwards at MSSV, Dhubri Unit.
How to apply :
Candidates may send their completed application in prescribed form along with necessary enclosures to the “DEAN, MAHAPURUSHA SRIMANTA SANKARADEVA VISWAVIDYALAYA, Dumardaha Pt IV, Dhubri, Assam – 783331” on latest by 3rd April, 2025.
Last date of receipt of application: 3rd April, 2025 (Hard Copy only)
Application Fee:
Rs. 500.00 (Rupees five hundred) only to be deposited in the Accounts Branch of the University. However, the fee can be deposited by demand draft in favour of “REGISTRAR, MAHAPURUSHA SRIMANTA SANKARADEVA VISWAVIDYALAYA” payable at “State Bank of India, Nagaon Main Branch (IFSC: SBIN0000146)”
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