AAI Recruitment 2025

Applications are invited for recruitment of various administrative positions or career in AAI in 2025.

Airports Authority of India (AAI) is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts or career of Consultants in Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS) Directorate, at various Airports PAN India. Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise, constituted by an Act of Parliament, is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure both on the ground and air space in the country. AAI has altogether been conferred with the Mini Ratna Category-1 Status.

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Name of post : Consultants in Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS) Directorate

No. of posts : 20

Eligibility Criteria :

i) Retired PSU employee from E-7/E-6 level and equivalent from Central Govt./ State Govt./
Defence/ Paramilitary Forces/ Employees of reputed Organizations having minimum 10 years of
experience in Operation & Maintenance of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance & Air
Traffic Automation Systems/Facilities at Airports/Field Stations.

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ii) Before engaging as consultant, one-month cooling period is essential after superannuation.

iii) Such candidate, who as a consultant have already completed 05 years cumulative period in AAI
on contract basis, will not be eligible to apply for further engagement as Consultant in AAI.

Job Roles :

i) Various coordination work with different directorate like CIVIL, Electrical, Operation, ATC,
OEM/Vendors, airline operators and also Media service provider etc., on day to day basis to adhere
the timeline.

ii) To assist in laying cables, operation & also maintenance of ancillary CNS equipment &UPS etc.

iii) To assist altogether in ANS related to Air Navigation Services related works in Air Traffic Services Complex/ Technical Building.

Monthly Remuneration : Consolidated fixed monthly remuneration of Rs.75,000/- (Rupees seventy-five thousand only) all-inclusive.

How to apply :

Candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format (Annexed to this Advertisement) along with self-attested copies of all necessary supporting documents [in support of Age (10th Certificate/Passport), Educational Qualifications and Work Experience] on email ID: [email protected] on or before the closing date, i.e. 02.04.2025.

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