The Indian Air Force on Saturday rescued all the members of the rescue team, who had gone down to the crash site of the AN-32 aircraft, but got stranded there due to bad weather.

Defence spokesman based in Shillong, Wing Commander Ratnakar Singh said that the search and rescue team which was camping at the crash site since June 12 was retrieved by IAF choppers to Along around 5.15 pm on Saturday.

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“The 15 member team comprising of eight from IAF (including two officers), four from Army (including one officer) and three other civilians were recovered using ALH and Mi-17V5 helicopters,” he said.

Singh added that the effort to retrieve them was delayed due to inclement weather and rain, which improved slightly on Saturday evening, allowing the risky helicopter operations to be undertaken.

“All members are fit and in good health. IAF is thankful to the Indian Army, Arunachal Pradesh State administration, the Police and local civilians for their unflinching support in this search and rescue mission,” he said.