Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2017, reveals Northeast youths are more knowledgeable about India’s geography than others in India.
ASER, is India’s largest NGO-run annual survey and focuses on youths aged between 14 -18 years.
The survey was carried out in a total of 28 districts across 24 states of the country. The survey covered Kamrup (Assam), Bishnupur (Manipur), Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya) and Kohima (Nagaland) in the Northeast.
Compared to teenagers from other parts of India, 91.2 percent youths from Manipur recognize the country’s map. 78.8 percent Assam youths recognize it. Nagaland does well in this regard, leaving other states from India in its wake with 94 percent. In Meghalaya’s Jaintia Hills, it is 82.5 percent.
The national average of teenagers who can recognize India’s map is 86.3 percent.
Manipur does better than most with 72.3 percent beating the national average of 64.1percent, regarding knowledge about the national capital.
Assam recorded only a 52.4 percent success rate. Nagaland 60.6 percent performs below the national average in this category. In Jaintia Hills, it is a lowly 39.1 percent.
When asked to name their own state, 86.5 percent youths from Manipur are successful, while the national average is 78.6 percent. Assam performs better with 75.5 percent than many states. Nagaland 77.5 percent fails to reach the national average while Meghalaya fares badly, with 73.8 percent.
Source: TOI