KLO observing its martyrs day on Tuesday. Image credit - Northeast Now

The Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO) observed its “national martyrs’ day” on Tuesday during a day-long programme organised in an undisclosed location.

KLO chairman Jiban Singha Koch in a press communique used on Tuesday claimed that Kamatapur had never been a part of India.

In the press communique, KLO chairman Koch paid homage to the departed souls and also conveyed his deepest condolence to the bereaved families who lost their nearest and dearest ones in the “national liberation” struggle.

KLO chairman Koch also asserted:  “Kamatapur remained sovereign and Independent Kingdom till 1949. After 1947 Independent India forced Maharajah Jagadwipendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur to sign the Koch Behar merger agreement under duress on 20th Aug. 1948, without the consent of the Kamtapuri people however, formal annexation was announced on 20th Aug. 1949. Since then Kamatapur (Koch Behar) has been under Indian colonial occupation.”

Koch also stated that the KLO has been waging “national liberation struggle” since 1993, in order to restore the “sovereignty and independence of Kamatapur“.

KLO members in an undisclosed location on Tuesday. Image credit

“But the colonial Indian govt. is trying to crush our struggle using all their might . It is with this intention that Indian Army, para-military forces and police are perpetrating many inhuman atrocities upon Kamtapuri people such as random arrest and killing of innocent people,” the KLO chief said.

Stating that the militant organisation has sacrificed a lot for the greater interest of Kamatapuri people and land, Koch added that their “movement and struggle for sovereignty” can never be stopped.

“We are fighting for our historical rights, political rights and indigenous people’s rights which are recognized by the United Nations,” the KLO chairman said.

Koch asserted: “We are not divided, we are all one body and one spirit in our movement for self-determination and liberation. We, the Kamatapur people have our own promise that cannot be fail, our sacrifices and precious blood shed will lead us to victory.”