MAHUD minister Shyamkumar inspecting the photo festival on Thursday at Imphal. Phto: Sobhapati Samom

For the first in the history of Sangai festival, a five-day Photo Festival was inaugurated as part of 10-day Manipur Sangai Fest at Kangla Hall in Imphal on Thursday. The festival will continue till November 26.

Such festival has been organised during the Manipur Sangai Festival with an aim to create a platform for aspiring photographers and also to provide exposure for the photographers of the state and the Northeast region.

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Forest and Environment Minister Th Shyamkumar accompanied by Chairman Dr Sapam Ranjan Singh of Tourism Corporation of Manipur Limited inaugurated the Festival on Thursday afternoon.

Independent photojournalist Prashant Panjiar who specializes in reportage, editorial and documentary photography and social worker M Asnikumar also attended the inaugural function.

Speaking at the function, Minister Shyamkumar said the rare pictures showcased at the Sangai Photo Festival show that our forefathers lived in sovereignty and fought for the freedom of the state.

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He said the photographs displayed at the festival teach us that the present and the younger generation need to preserve the traditional culture of our forefathers. Portfolio reviews, talks, panel discussion, workshop, beginner class and master class will be organised during the Festival.

In his speech Dr Sapam Ranjan opined that the festival will help in spreading the messages of the pictures of the state and of other states which are showcased during the photo festival. He advised the organisers of the photo festival to put captions in the photographs so that more information can be provided to the visitors about the photographs and display the pictures of the State Animal, Sangai, which is only found in Manipur.

Prashant Panjiar, co-founder, Nazar Foundation and creative director of the Delhi Photo Festival also spoke on the occasion.

Portfolio reviews, talks, panel discussion, workshop, beginner class and master class will be organised during the Sangai Photo Festival.


Sobhapati Samom is Northeast Now Correspondent in Imphal. He can be reached at: [email protected]