recruitment 2025

Applications are invited for recruitment of various technical positions or jobs in Oil India Limited in 2025.

Oil India Limited is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts or career of Contractual Drilling Engineer on contractual basis for immediate engagement at Rajasthan Fields in 2025.

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Name of post : Contractual Drilling Engineer

No. of posts : 4

Qualification & Experience :

(i) Bachelors in Engineering of minimum 4 (four) years duration/ Master degree in Engineering of minimum 02 (two) years duration from a Govt. recognized institute (Any Discipline)

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(ii) Post Qualification Work Experience of more than 03 (Three) years in Drilling Operations. Must have worked atleast at Driller Level or as Drilling Engineer or as Company Representative.

(iii) Must possess IWCF Level-4 / IADC-L4 Certification.

Salary : Rs. 80,000/- per month

Age Limit : Minimum age: 24 years. Upper age limit: 40 years as on date of registration for Walk-in-Interview.

Selection Procedure :

Candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview on 2nd April 2025. Time of Registration is from 9:30 AM to 11 AM. The venue is in OIL HOUSE, 2A, District Shopping Centre, Saraswatinagar, Basni, Jodhpur-342005, Rajasthan.

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How to apply :

Candidates must bring the following document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s) in originals while reporting for the Walk-in-Interview process:

a) Filled in Personal Bio-Data Form (format given on the last 3 pages of this advertisement).

b) 01 (One) recent 3cm X 3cm coloured photograph.

c) Valid Identity Proof and valid Address Proof from Competent Government Authority.

d) Date of Birth (DOB) proof i.e., Birth Certificate or Class X certificate containing DOB.

e) Admit Card, Marksheet and Pass Certificate of Class 10 issued by the concerned Government Recognised Education Board; Document(s)/Certificate(s)/Testimonial(s) of essential qualification(s) and Experience Certificate(s).

f) Valid Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC), if applicable; Valid Non-Creamy Layer certificate, if applicable; Valid Income and Asset Certificate to be produced by Economically Weaker Sections, if applicable; Valid Disability Certificate, if applicable; Valid Discharge Book/Service and Release Certificate for ExServicemen (Pages containing Personal Particulars and Service Particulars), if applicable.

g) No-Objection Certificate from concerned employer, in original, in case the applicant is working in any organization.

h) A set of self-attested photocopies of all applicable document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s) as mentioned above.

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