Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Monday said his government would lay special emphasis on creation of newer employment opportunities through fruit processing and bamboo based industries.
Deb said this while addressing a felicitation programme of youths trained by Tata Trusts.
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Chief Minister Deb also said that the State has a huge potential of developing its largely primary economy by harping on the potential of bamboo, fruit processing and tourism.
He also urged youths who were trained by the initiative to ensure development of the State to get self-employed in their individual capacities.
Tata Trusts has been able to carve a niche for themselves by good work and maintaining quality in all their endeavours, he said.
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The Chief Minister also added that his government was working closely with Tata for digitizing the State Government and offering e-governance benefits to the people.
Referring to the huge natural resource including bamboo, pineapple, jackfruits and other forest produces, Deb said he would welcome any large industrialist who would purchase pineapple and other produces from the State and sell them worldwide with any margin of profit.
He invited Tata to invest more on Tripura and said that the queen variety of pineapple grown in Tripura could be the next big addition in the delicacy of Tata group’s range of hotels.