As part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Sunday, the Central Committee of the Dimasa Students’ Union (DSU) along with the DSU Unit of the Haflong College carried out a cleanliness campaign in Jatinga river and its surrounding areas including the Top Town tunnel along the National Highway near Jatinga in Dima Hasao district.
The cleanliness campaign, which continued for around six hours, was participated by around 50 students and student leaders.
The cleanliness drive was first carried out in Jatinga river under the leadership of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of Dimasa Students’ Union (DSU) Pramit Sengyun.
After that the cleanliness drive was carried out in Top Tunnel complex.
It may be mentioned that with the National Highway being constructed, several people come to enjoy picnic on the bank of Jatinga river. But though they use the river bank for the purpose, after enjoying picnic, the picnickers leave the area with litters instead of cleaning.
On the other hand, similar problem is seen on the National Highway, construction of which is yet to be completed.
The National Highway and its surroundings were filled with plastic bottles, fast food packets and liquor bottles.
After the cleanliness drive, the area including Jatinga river and the Jatinga Tunnel complex on the National Highway has got a new look.
Talking to Northeast Now, General Secretary of the Central Committee of Dimasa Students’ Union (DSU) Pramit Sengyun said, “As citizens of the country, we have also duty to keep our surroundings clean. On the other hand, this initiative was taken to give the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a real shape.”
Besides, the Dimasa Students’ Union leader also appealed to all the people of the society to keep their respective villages and areas clean.
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