After over 40 days, the complete unlocking of the lockdown began in Thimphu, the national capital of Bhutan, on Monday.

Bhutan Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering has thanked the people of the country and the health team for extending support and cooperation during the lockdown.

“A nation is defined by the character of its people who are unified by a common cause. And at this point in history, we are talking about committed Bhutanese who are the fabrics that have been knitted together to save the nation from the pandemic,” PM Tshering said in a Facebook post.

“In this pandemic, we could not have done without the healing hearts of our health team. I refer to the entire regiment of specialists, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lap technologists, health assistants and the officials serving as reinforcement from behind the scene,” the PM said.

“We had the farmers and agriculture officials across the country, whose sweats and green hands nourished our souls.

“If there were enough essentials for you to buy from a shop in your locality, we know our people at the borders, the trade officials, transporters and agencies have maneuvered through toughest of formalities to make it happen,” Dr Tshering said.

“On the 44th day after the lockdown, as we reopen the capital and resume our routine works, I wish you good luck and good health,” he said.

“The journey has just begun but knowing your burning energy and spirit for the nation, I know we have a great future ahead of us. Thank you once again,” he added.

Prime Minister Tshering in an earlier Facebook post said: “In what is the convergence of His Majesty’s blessings, prayers of our religious bodies, hard work of the frontline workers and support of every Bhutanese, the nation saw a successful lockdown.”

“Today, after more than 40 days, and over 280,000 tests of COVID-19 carried out nationwide, we are confident that the disease is under control, and limited only to the facilities,” he had said.

The permissible activities are as follows:


Inter-dzongkhag movement is allowed; public transports such as buses and taxis can operate; quarantine requirement from Thimphu and Paro is being lifted; seven-day mandatory quarantine will continue for those travelling from high risk to low risk areas (high risk areas are those that are along the borders); all travellers must register with Check Post Management System (CPMS) prior to their travel.

Besides, random testing of travellers along the check points, the public transport drivers will have to undergo mandatory testing every two weeks.

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All schools will open as scheduled by the education ministry. Random testing for students and teachers will be carried out every two weeks. Health focal persons have been identified to monitor compliance and surveillance on campus.

All offices and institutions will open. The COVID-19 Safety focal office in all offices must ensure that all COVID-19 norms are in place and implemented.

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All shops, restaurants and business entities can open. The closure time is 9pm.

For hair saloons and barber shops, extra precaution to maintain proper hygiene and safety protocols will be imposed.

Mandatory COVID-19 testing every two weeks will be carried out.

Opening of entertainment centers of movie halls, clubs, karaokes and drayangs will be announced at a later date.

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All sporting activities are allowed but without any spectators and the closure time is 11pm.

No tournaments are allowed, unless approved by the Bhutan Olympic Committee.

For traditional games of archery and khuru, only 10 participants are allowed at a time.


All constructions are allowed.

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While gathering of any sort is discouraged, for community based religious congregation, a maximum of 25 people can participate. Prior approval must be sought from the local taskforce.

Religious gatherings at home must be limited to family members.

Funeral rites will be restricted to close circles.

Pilgrimage, menchu, tsachu and hiking are allowed.

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For conferences, seminars, workshops and training, a maximum of only 25 people are allowed to gather.

The COVID-19 safety focal officers must maintain proper record of the attendees.