GNI Northeast
The GNI Indian Languages Program follows a structured format with various components supporting and empowering publishers.

Guwahati: We’ve always championed the power of local languages to forge deeper connections with our audience. Participating in the 2023 Google News Initiative (GNI) Indian Languages Program was a thrilling opportunity for us. This program has been pivotal in expanding our reach and reinforcing our commitment to delivering high-quality journalism to a broader Indian audience.

Challenges and the GNI Solution

We struggled with limited access to robust digital infrastructure, making it difficult to efficiently distribute our content online. Competing for visibility with larger national publications often meant our stories were buried in search results. The GNI Indian Languages Program provided us with the tools and knowledge to overcome these barriers.

The Program’s Impact

The program offered a comprehensive package of benefits that significantly impacted our operations. Here are some key highlights:

  • Mobile-First Strategies: Recognizing the growing importance of mobile users, we were taught mobile-first strategies to optimize our content for mobile devices. This included designing mobile-friendly websites and creating content that is easily consumable on smaller screens.
  • Native Apps: In 2023, as part of the GNI Indian Languages Program, we were also provided with native Android and iOS apps to build and cater to our loyal audience. It has helped us reach more audience in real-time. (Add your app screenshot here)
  • Performance Monitoring and Optimization: We learned how to use advanced performance monitoring tools to track the performance of our website and content. This has enabled us to identify areas for improvement and implement optimizations to ensure a seamless user experience.

Results we’re Proud Of

Thanks to the GNI Indian Languages Program, we’ve witnessed a significant positive impact on our publication:

  • Increased Mobile Traffic: Our mobile-first strategies have paid off, with a significant increase in traffic from mobile users who find our content easily accessible and engaging.
  • Enhanced Brand Recognition: The availability of app has elevated our brand recognition and credibility in the industry.
  • Google News: We have seen increased page views by 20% via Google News

The GNI Indian Languages Program has empowered us to amplify local voices and stories. We are committed to continuing our mission of delivering impactful journalism that resonates with our audience, fostering a more informed and connected community. We encourage other regional publishers to take part in future programs and experience the transformative benefits firsthand.


Google has launched GNI Indian Languages Program 2024. The application window is now open. The last date to apply for the 2024 program is  June 17, 2024.

The program is structured around addressing the common challenges news publishers face, including building a loyal audience, gaining real-time insights, optimizing ad revenue, and overcoming content creation limitations. 

You can take advantage of various tools, such as Real-time Content Insights, News Consumer Insights, Cloud tools for GenAI, Pinpoint, and more, to supercharge your audience-building and content-creation strategy.

The GNI Indian Languages Program follows a structured format with various components supporting and empowering publishers. The program will be delivered in nine Indian languages: English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, and Marathi.

Indian language publishers who are interested in the program can apply here.

Northeast Now is a multi-app based hyper-regional bilingual news portal. Mail us at: